
A Helping Hand
For Hope.

The majority of South Africans do not have access to affordable eyecare which means they struggle with education, employment, and quality of life; imagine going blind slowly, but not finding any help. We have a solution to provide affordable eyecare, and you can be a part of it.

Get involved.

Need Help?

 Are you or someone that you know in need of affordable eyecare. We are here to help.

We believe

A Little Help Can
Make A Big Change.

By giving someone glasses you are not just improving their sight, but also their quality of life, their education, and likelihood of employment. Restoring sight changes the course of someone’s future.
“It changed my life completely, I can see...” I am so grateful that Kingdom Vision helped me, the glasses changed my life completely. Many of us cannot afford glasses, but they went the extra mile to help someone like me. This allowed me to do things I could not do before and feel part of something bigger.

How you can get involved:

Here are three ways in which you can change a life.


Your money can change lives.


If you would like to help us with administration, serving patients or just lending a hand where needed, you can volunteer here. No special skills are required.

Medical services

If you are an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist and would like to contribute your skill set, this is the place for you.


2 New Kingdom Vision Clinics

With the asistance of our partners we established two eye clinics in May 2024:

  • Anchor of Hope Eye clinic at 12 Tannery Road, Hamilton, Bloemfontein; and
  • Kovsiehealth Eye Clinic, Nelson Mandela Drive, Brandwag, Bloemfontein.

Collectively we have conducted 428 eye tests and provided 223 patients with a pair of spectacles at our two eye clinics since May 2024.

Eye Clinics

Patients Tested

Spectacles dispensed

 Anchor of Hope






Patients tested at other sites






Have a look at

How Lives Have Been Changed.

We are blessed to be a blessing. Empowering people with eyesight changes so many different aspects of a person’s life positively. We have personally witnessed the change through previous successful projects

We've Raised
R 0 M
Eye tests
Spectacles dispensed
Featured support

Our partnerships

We believe in a holistic approach to addressing a need. Therefore, we are proud to have partners that we collaborate with to achieve this mission.

A Helping Hand For A Hoping Heart.

We believe that eye care should be a basic human right and not

just a privilege to be accessed by a few. 

We believe that eye care should be a basic human right and not just a privilege to be accessed by a few. 

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