Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant

Full Time

Personal Assistant

We need someone that will be able to handle our administrative duties at the clinic and help with general duties for the foundation.

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Full Time
Personal Assistant

We need someone that will be able to handle our administrative duties at the clinic and help with general duties for the foundation.

Full Time

full-time: Once our clinic is up and running, we will need the assistance of an optometrist to conduct eye exams at the clinic

Part Time

It is a tough job to gather funds, but without funds we cannot make our dream a reality. If you have the required skills, we would love to have you on our team.  

Full Time
Lab technician

If you have a passion to work with your hand, we need someone that will fit and cut the lenses for us in a laboratory. We will equip you with the necessary training and skills. Previous experience will be beneficial.

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